Managing Your Arthritis at Your Desk JobMar 01, 2025Movement is key to managing arthritis. But how can you move when you’re stuck at a desk all day? Even with arthritis, you can learn how (and teach your employer how) movement and other accommodations help you do your job better and more comfortably.Continue reading →
5 Habits to Help Make Your Period Less PainfulFeb 01, 2025If you get cramps along with periods, you don’t have to rely only on popping ibuprofen or gritting your teeth to get through the pain. Some easy self-care habits can make your periods less painful. Following are five easy ones. Continue reading →
How to Prepare Your Toddler for a CheckupJan 22, 2025The toddler years can be extra challenging: Your child is evermore independent and aware of their surroundings, but can still be scared by new situations. Help your toddler prepare for their well-child physical with these tried-and-true tips.Continue reading →
Let's Talk About Fixing Your PostureDec 13, 2024Don’t slouch. Suck in your gut. You’ve heard advice like that all your life, but somehow your posture just isn’t cutting it. A healthy posture aligns your spine so that everything else just falls into place too. So how do you fix your posture?Continue reading →
Myths and Facts About Chiropractic CareNov 12, 2024Traditional medicine isn’t cutting it for you. You’re still in pain. You don’t feel well. Your doctors have no answers. You think about chiropractic care, but have heard mixed things. What are the myths? What are the facts? Find out here.Continue reading →
Ask These Questions at Your Child's Next Well VisitOct 07, 2024Regular child wellness visits ensure that your child is up to date with immunizations and is hitting all their milestones. They also give you a chance to address any concerns you have. So, what should you ask about at your child’s next well visit?Continue reading →
Why Is My Period So Painful?Aug 28, 2024Everyone you know complains about their periods, but your period pain seems to be off the charts. If your cramps crimp your lifestyle, or leave you so fatigued that you can’t get through the day, you have dysmenorrhea. Here’s why and what to do.Continue reading →
The Importance of an Annual Physical with Your Primary Care PhysicianAug 09, 2024Early detection and diagnosis are essential for serious health issues like heart disease, cancer, and more. Skipping your annual physical could mean missing the early signs of illness and the opportunity to begin treatment promptly.Continue reading →
6 Signs You May Be Suffering From Low TestosteroneJul 22, 2024When you don’t feel like yourself anymore, it may be because you’re … not. When your testosterone levels plummet, they can affect everything from your mood to your metabolism to your body composition. Raising your testosterone (T) levels may help. Continue reading →
When an Epidural Injection is the Best Choice for That Chronic Aching BackJun 24, 2024If you’ve done everything you can for your aching back, but you’re still in pain, you may benefit from an epidural injection. Epidurals dull the nerves in your back so that you can function better, pain-free. Here’s when to consider one.Continue reading →
Why You Should Consider PRP Therapy for Your Arthritis PainMay 28, 2024Platelet-rich plasma is a type of regenerative medicine that uses plasma, platelets, and growth factors from your blood to reduce arthritis pain, decrease inflammation, and improve joint function. Read on to learn if PRP therapy is right for you. Continue reading →