Ask These Questions at Your Child's Next Well Visit

Oct 07, 2024
Ask These Questions at Your Child's Next Well Visit
Regular child wellness visits ensure that your child is up to date with immunizations and is hitting all their milestones. They also give you a chance to address any concerns you have. So, what should you ask about at your child’s next well visit?

A yearly physical examination when your child’s not sick — usually referred to as a well-child visit — is an essential part of pediatric care. During the visit, we conduct a thorough physical examination to detect any potential problems at the earliest, most treatable stage possible.

We may also run a series of tests, including blood tests or urine tests, to evaluate their organ function. Finally, a well visit gives us a chance to talk about any concerns you may have about your child’s health, behavior, and emotional well-being.

Our expert team at Gorman Medical, PC, also view well-child visits as a unique opportunity to establish a trusting relationship with you and your child that may extend throughout their childhood and adolescence. Charles Ripp, MD, and Fran Gorman, DNP, encourage you to ask questions at our Colorado Springs and Cripple Creek, Colorado, offices.

So, what should you ask about when your child has their wellness exam? The following are a few suggestions.

Are my child’s immunizations up to date?

Generally, we let you know when it’s time to update your child’s vaccines or get a booster. However, it doesn’t hurt to double-check that your child is getting the protection they need to enroll in school and to stay safe.

A good time to ask about vaccines is if you’ve recently moved to a new residence, changed schools, or have changed pediatricians. You want to make sure that your child’s records moved with you. Our office staff helps you request records from prior doctors.

Does my child need a flu or COVID shot?

Both flu and COVID boosters are usually given in the early fall months, such as October. Your child can get both on one day or you can split the doses.

Your child (and your whole family) needs a new flu shot every year. That’s because the viruses mutate every year. The vaccines are reformulated to address the latest mutation and keep your family safe.

COVID also mutates. This year’s booster shot is different from last year’s. Vaccinations help your child’s immune system build up strength against pathogens such as viruses and bacteria.

Young children are especially susceptible to severe and even life-threatening bouts of flu or COVID. Ask us whether your child is old enough for flu and COVID shots, or if they’re due for a booster.

Is my child meeting their milestones?

No matter how young or old your child is, there are certain milestones they need to meet to ensure that their development is on track. That’s one of the things we check for during their physical exam and when we talk to you and your child.

You may, for instance, have questions about their behavior. Are they less focused than other children? Should they be making their own bed by now, or is it normal to still eat with their hands?

We let you know if they’re delayed and then make recommendations to help them get back on track. That may include further evaluations, or it may mean therapy or other support. We can make referrals for any extra care your child may need.

Is my child a healthy weight?

Many parents — and kids — worry whether their child is a healthy weight for their age and frame. Children sometimes bully other children who are larger or smaller than average which may affect the way your child feels about themselves.

We let you know if your child is at a healthy body mass index (BMI) for their frame size. We also assist you to help your child make healthy choices when it comes to meals and beverages. Both at home and at school, encourage them to eat whole foods and avoid sugar, high-fructose corn syrup, and trans fats.

Why does my child … ?

Your child’s wellness visit is the perfect time to bring up any issues that have arisen during the past year. We can arrange to speak out of earshot of your child, if you don’t want to alarm them with your concerns.

Feel free to ask any questions you may have about their general health, mental health, and behavior. Some examples may include:

  • Why does my child have acne?
  • Why does my child have trouble paying attention?
  • Why is my child bullying or being bullied at school?
  • Does my child have attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)?
  • Why does my child have night terrors?
  • Is my child seeing/hearing/speaking normally?

In addition to checking up on your child’s general health, a wellness exam helps build trust between your pediatrician and your family. Yearly exams establish a healthy routine for your child that can last a lifetime.

Is your child due for a well-child visit? Schedule your pediatric care exam today by reaching out to our team at Gorman Medical, PC, through our office phone or online form.

Gorman Medical PC